Hey all, it's Darkmoon. I know, not exactly the person you may have expected to see posting news on this site, but really, I felt a little explanation was required...

See, a while back, Raztuo, the man behind RSitM, had planed to bring his site to ICVD. Then, after the initial plans were made, he kinda feel off the face of the planet. As time went on, many of us noticed that his site kinda just sat on Geocities not doing much.

It occured to me that, likely, if he never really emerged again from wherever it was he went, it might be a good idea to backup RSitM so that it wasn't lost for all eternity in a Geocities clean up. So I backed it up, and sent an email to Ratz to see if he was interested in still bringing the site over to ICVD or what.

Lo and behold, he emailed me back to say that the site was donated to ICVD and that, if I felt the need to update or whatever, to feel free. Now, I'm not comfortable with doing much to the site since it is basically his, but... I did update the look. I'm all for a new site layout every couple of years or so, which is what had passed since RSitM was update...

So yeah, there's the whole long story when I prolly could just said "ICVD Presents the new RSitM." What can I say, I like seeing my own words on the screen. It's an adiction.

Basically, besides the new look for the site (an ICVDized look), and a little cleaning up of the text, plus a little reorganization, the site is presented exactlty as it was. No changes to the humor or writing, all the pictures and everything you remember. Enjoy.