Castlevania Reviews - Castlevania Legends

Castlevania Legends:

Well, it ain't that bad. This one takes place in 1475. You are Sonia Belmont, who is either Trevor's mother or sister. Sonia is 17 in this adventure, and if Trevor is 17 in CV 3 ( though he looks older ), then he is definetly the child Sonia gives birth to after this one. And it seems like ol' Alucard is daddy. ( And Trevor Tepes isn't as friendly as Trevor Belmont, so that explains that! ) Anyhow, this one is the first adventure of the Castlevania legacy. Sonia is the first Belmont to have a run-in with Drac, or so we hear. Let's have a look at the gameplay.

Gameplay: This one seems alot like the old Nintendo Castlevania's, but with better gameplay aspects. Sonia can crouch-walk, which only Simon had previously in CV:4, Sonia can jump high and reverse direction in mid-jump, but best of all, she does spells. Sub-weapons are gained only for different scenario endings, but spells are gained at the end of each level, and used like Sub-weapons. They are called "Soul-weapons". Also, Sonia can go to "Burning Mode" once per life, in which she is invincible, faster, and hurts the enemy by touching them.

The talk scenes also have very good graphics for 8-bit. Alucard, Sonia and Drac all look great. Whip power ups in this one go from Leather Whip, to Morning Star, to Flame Whip ( Flame shooting Morning Star ). If you play the game on "light" mode, you always have the Flame Whip. Like the previous GameBoy Castlevania's, there are no ladders but rather ropes. Pressing down and jump while on a rope causes you to slide down quickly. And, another good aspect of Castlevania: Legends for the fan of classic Castlevania tunes is that level one is "Bloody Tears".

The Enemies: (Note to self: More to add to the annoying enemies page.) CV: Legends has these little maggot looking things that fall from trees that really suck, CV mainstay ghosts do not look like flaming skulls in this one, but black, shadowy ghosts, and they are usually positioned to knock you off of something. But worst of all are these annoying-ass lizard men that hang from ropes! The first time you encounter one, you'll see what I mean!

The Bosses: (Check out the instruction booklet for cool manga pictures of these guys.)

Level 1: The Death Bat. He flies around like a jackass, good time to go to burning mode. Not hard.

Level 2: The Death Dragon. He may be freakin' huge, but he's not too hard. It's always a good idea to save burning mode for the bosses.

Level 3: Death. Okay, why is Death dressed like a jester in this one? Anyway, clowny looking or not, Death is tougher than the first two bosses, but you should pick up his leaping and sickle throwing pattern right away.

Level 4: Alucard! He's not trying to hurt Sonia, just prepare her for a fight with the big guy. Burning mode also takes care of Alc right quick.

Level 5: Drac: Well, he's not that hard in his first incarnation, where he does his usual teleport and fireball deal, but I always use burning mode on him here. Next, he's a huge demon-looking creature with a teleporting head which shoots fireballs. He's pretty tough trying to avoid, see if you can pick up a pattern.

Note: There are also hidden bosses, like a Wyvern. See if you can find them.

Well there ya have it. CV: Legends is fun, so enjoy. And now, a pic of a scantilly clad Sonia for your viewing pleasure!

Love those anime cutesy chicks! Hubba hubba!

Audra, you are still better looking.