
Contact Us:

First off, if you wanna get in touch with Ratzuo, email him at ratzuo@aol.com. I'm sure he'd like to hear from his fans... maybe get him to make more RSitM one day..

As for myself, here's all you need:

By Email: Perhaps the easiest, and the much perfered way of contatcing me. I so rarely get CV Mail. Just email me at darkmoonfirelyte@hotmail.com.

The IMers: I do have most of the IMers now, but I rarely use them. If you use AIM, you can hit me up at "DarkmoonFirelyte" on there. Sorry MSN and Yahoo fans.

Most other ways I ignore or simply forget to check, so really... not much point in trying.

And, as always, if you are trying to contact me by ESP, my tinfoil cap is on. HA! Can't send those evil brain waves at me today!

Right... so...